12 Tips And Tricks For Customizing Your Resume For Targeted Job Applications

In today’s competitive job landscape, creating a distinctive resume has become essential for securing your dream position. Gone are the days of using a generic, one-size-fits-all approach. Customizing your resume to align with each specific job application is now a vital strategy to grab the attention of hiring managers. This targeted effort showcases the strong alignment between your skills and the job requirements, increasing your chances of success.

Read on as this comprehensive guide provides essential tips and tricks for customizing your resume to match specific job postings, ensuring you present yourself as the ideal candidate.  

1. Utilize Available Resources

Initiating the process of resume customization can be streamlined by using available resources and tools like an online CV maker. These digital platforms are equipped with various templates and aesthetic options, enabling users to craft resumes that are professional in appearance and engaging to the viewer.  

The real advantage lies in the ability to easily adjust different segments of the resume, catering to the specific demands of varied job applications. This feature conserves valuable time and enhances the personal touch in each resume, making it uniquely suited to the job it’s intended for.    

2.Analyze The Job Description Thoroughly  

Diving deep into the job description is a critical initial step for tailoring your resume effectively. This requires a detailed analysis to unearth the essential skills, experiences, and qualifications the employer values most. Key phrases and recurring themes within the job description can also indicate what the company prioritizes and its underlying culture.   

By understanding these nuances, you can better align your resume to meet the employer’s expectations, ensuring your applications resonate more strongly with the hiring manager’s requirements and the company’s ethos.    

3.Highlight Relevant Experience  

After gleaning insights from the job description, the next step is to filter through your professional history to spotlight experiences most relevant to the position. This selective process involves identifying roles and achievements that directly correspond to the job’s requirements. For example, if you’re applying for a customer service role, you would want to emphasize any previous experience you have in customer support or handling customer inquiries.

By strategically positioning these experiences prominently on your resume, you can significantly enhance their visibility to hiring managers. Consider using bullet points to summarize these roles and accomplishments to clearly communicate how your background makes you a fitting candidate for the job.    

4.Use Keywords Wisely  

Integrating keywords from the job posting into your resume is a strategic move in the era of digital recruitment, where technological innovations like Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) are commonplace. Such systems scan resumes for specific keywords related to the job, making it imperative to mirror the language and technical terms used in the job description. This alignment can help increase your resume’s chances of passing through initial screenings.   

However, it’s important to maintain a natural flow of language to ensure readability and coherence. As much as possible, avoid keyword stuffing, which can render the content awkward and unengaging.  

5.Customize Your Professional Summary  

The professional summary acts as a prime real estate on your resume, providing a snapshot of your capabilities and setting the tone for the rest of the document. That said, craft a summary that showcases your relevant skills and strengths and aligns with the employer’s specific needs, presenting yourself as the ideal candidate to address their challenges and contribute to their goals.  

By tailoring this section to echo the core requirements and values highlighted in the job description, you can significantly impact your application’s effectiveness.   

6.Showcase Transferable Skills  

When direct experience in a specific field may be lacking, emphasizing your transferable skills becomes crucial. This is especially true since skills such as effective communication, leadership, and problem-solving are applicable and valuable across various industries and positions. 

For example, if you are applying for a project management position but do not have sufficient experience in that role, highlight your organizational skills, ability to prioritize tasks, and track record of successfully completing projects on time. By illustrating how these abilities are relevant to the job, you can bridge the gap in experience and showcase your potential to excel in the new role. 

Furthermore, highlighting these skills can demonstrate your adaptability and readiness to tackle the position’s challenges, making you a compelling candidate despite a non-traditional background.  

7.Quantify Achievements  

Quantifying your professional achievements adds a layer of credibility and impact to your resume, allowing hiring managers to visualize your potential contributions to their organization. You can offer tangible evidence of your capabilities by providing specific figures and statistics. For instance, you can mention that you led a highly successful email marketing campaign, which led to a 30% increase in online sales and a significant 20% growth in customer acquisition within three months.

This approach lends weight to your claims of past successes and gives employers a measurable gauge of the value you could bring to their team.    

8.Pay Attention To Design And Layout  

The aesthetic appeal of your resume, through its design and layout, can significantly impact the first impression it makes. Opt for a sleek, professional format that enhances readability, ensuring that key information stands out without overwhelming the reader. Ample white space and a clear, legible font are also essential to maintaining a clean appearance, facilitating a quick scan by hiring managers and making your resume visually appealing digitally and in print.  

9.Highlight Education And Certifications  

Emphasize your educational achievements and certifications, especially if they’re directly linked to the job requirements. This is crucial when the role demands specific qualifications or specialized training. However, even non-degree courses or certifications pertinent to the job should be prominently displayed. This showcases your commitment to your professional development and aligns your qualifications with the employer’s expectations, making your application more compelling.  

10.Tailor Your Language And Tone  

Adjusting your resume’s language and tone to reflect the prospective employer’s culture and ethos can also enhance your application’s resonance. For example, a more informal and innovative style may be appropriate for creative roles in dynamic startups. Meanwhile, positions in established professional firms might necessitate a more formal and conventional approach. This customization demonstrates your adaptability and understanding of the company’s environment, suggesting a natural fit within their team.  

11.Include A Custom Cover Letter  

Complementing your resume with a tailored cover letter provides an opportunity to deepen the narrative of your professional journey. This personalized document should articulate your enthusiasm for the role and elucidate how your unique blend of skills and experiences positions you as the ideal candidate.   

It’s an avenue to express aspects of your professional persona that the resume format might not accommodate, such as your passion for the industry and your vision for contributing to the company’s future.  

12.Proofread And Get Feedback  

The final step in refining your resume and cover letter involves rigorous proofreading to eliminate any errors that could undermine your professionalism. Beyond a thorough self-review, soliciting feedback from mentors, peers, or industry professionals can offer valuable perspectives and insights, highlighting areas for enhancement you might have overlooked. This collaborative review process ensures your application is polished, coherent, and poised to make a strong impact.  


Customizing your resume for each job application might seem time-consuming, but it’s a crucial step in the job search process. Demonstrating your unique fit for each role can significantly increase your chances of landing job interviews and, ultimately, your ideal job. Remember, a tailored resume shows employers that you want this job, making you stand out in a sea of generic applications.

Tips for Finding the Right Career for You

When you ask someone what the most meaningful aspects of their life are, the chances are good that their answers will include health, family, and work. Therefore, choosing what type of work you’ll be doing might just be one of the most important choices in your life.

When it comes to choosing a career, whether you are just starting on your work path or you just feel it’s time for a change, the following steps can help you pick one that’s a great fit for you.


Before making any important decision, it’s always a good idea to take a bit of time and self-reflect. When it comes to choosing your career, there’s no difference. In the self-assessment step, think about what type of environment you’d like to work in, be it indoors or out, helping people or selling something; what you’d enjoy doing, being a product designer or a lawyer, etc.; who you’d like to have as coworkers, and more. As you’re considering these things, you may want to jot down a few notes. These can help you evaluate various job descriptions further down the road.

Determine Your Must-Haves

Next, you might want to take a bit of time to identify those things you have to have in a job. These might range from your benefits and salary to whether or not you want to travel and the workplace location. It can be helpful to employ a question-and-answer session with yourself to find out what areas you can be flexible in and what you can’t with your career.  Is there a certain salary you need to make, or do you require certain benefits such as time off or healthcare? Are you willing and able to travel on a regular basis? How long of a commute are you comfortable making each day?

Create a List

Once you understand a little more about yourself and what you need in your career, you can begin looking for jobs that seem desirable or interesting to you. You can do this by utilizing your network, finding industries that interest you, identifying things you enjoy doing, and more. If you come across a job you don’t know too much about, make a note of it so that you can research it. You might just end up finding the right one that way. Also, keep in mind that job titles don’t always convey everything the job entails. While a specific title may not seem desirable, the actual job description may be a perfect fit. 

Training and Resume

Once you’ve narrowed your list down to a couple of possible careers, you’ll need to determine whether or not you need any additional credentials or training. Some employers may be willing to provide training on the job, but others will be in search of candidates who already fit their needs. 

Once you’ve determined your career path and are qualified for it, you should update your resume to show your relevant skills and strengths. It might be helpful to explore some job postings to understand what the employers in your preferred industry are looking for. 

Last Step

Once you’ve done all of the above, it’s time to begin looking for job openings. There are many places to do this – on job boards, in the newspaper, online, and more. Depending on where you look online, you can apply various filters like distance, experience level, job type, etc. 

As with any change, it might take time to adjust to your new career. During your transition, make sure to pay close attention to which parts of the job you enjoy. You’ll continue to learn, grow, and change as you begin to understand more about your job, yourself, and what works the best for you.

Tips on What to Do When You Receive a Job Offer

Many people spend a huge amount of time trying to secure the perfect job. From undergoing work experience and training to creating the perfect resume and completing lengthy applications, there is often a lot involved. If you are lucky enough to then get a face-to-face interview, a great performance will boost your chances of getting that job. If you then receive an official job offer, it may be time to start celebrating.

However, before you start those celebrations, it is important that you take the appropriate steps after you have received your job offer along with any contract that goes with it. Taking these steps is important as you need to respond to job offer appropriately and after taking some key things into consideration. One thing to remember is that employers do not assume that you are going to accept the job offer, and this is why it is important to respond. In this article, we will look at some of the key things to do when it comes to responding to a job offer.

Some of the Steps to Take

There are some key steps that you need to take when it comes to receiving and responding to a job offer. Some of the main ones are:

Look Over the Contract

One of the things that you should always do when you receive a job offer is to look very carefully through the contract to ensure it is what you are looking for. It is very important that you do this so that you know exactly what you are agreeing to with your acceptance of the job. If the contract is not in with the offer letter for any reason, contact the employer and ask for a copy of the contract before you respond to the offer.

Make Sure You Are Happy

It is important that you ensure you are happy to enter into the new job before you respond to the offer letter. Things may have changed since you went for your interview – for instance, there may be another job you have been offered that you prefer, or you may have changed your mind about the job you are being offered. So, before you make any rash decisions, take some time to think about whether you are happy with the job being offered and the terms of the contract.

Contact the Employer with Your Decision

Once you have made up your mind about the job offer, you need to contact the employer with your decision. Whether or not you decide to accept the job offer, it is very important that you contact the employer in writing to let them know so that everyone knows where they stand with regard to the job. You should make sure you are respectful in your letter, but you do not need to go into a lot of detail about your decision other than to let them know that you accept or decline, and to thank them for the opportunity.

These are the key steps to follow when you receive a job offer.

The Resume is Critical for Career Success – Few Tips for You

There are several different types of resumes, and it’s important to know which one works the best for your particular circumstances. If you want to land a dream job, the best resume is critical for your career. The following are some tips to make your resume stand out from the crowd.

Reverse Chronological Resume

The reverse chronological resume format highlights your relevant work history in chronological order, beginning with your most recent position. It lists dates, job titles, and employer names. Highlight your most recent job and highlight the skills and experiences you gained within the past one to five years. Reverse chronological resumes also highlight achievements and accomplishments. Reverse chronological resumes are often preferred by hiring managers. This format is the most common and favored resume format for career seekers. You can search on Google for top resume examples and the right format. 

When writing your reverse chronological resume, you should never start with your first job. Instead, list your positions in reverse chronological order. Include a brief description of your role, numbers, and metrics where applicable. Your most recent position should be listed at the top, followed by your previous positions. This is especially important if you have no work experience. A reverse chronological resume is not suitable for job seekers who have no work history.

Functional Resume

If you are new to the job market or have little work experience, a functional resume may be a good option. It should clearly state your skills and accomplishments and show examples of how you have applied those skills in the past. Nevertheless, a functional resume should not completely ignore your past employment history as hiring managers want to see that you have some experience.

Include your greatest personal achievements. The objective of a functional resume is to persuade the hiring manager to hire you. If you are unsure of your capabilities, you can look at sample resume objectives to determine how to write your own. You’ll be glad you did! You’ll be surprised by the results! 

Side Projects

Including side projects on a resume is an important way to highlight your skills and experience, since they add to your work history and functional summary. The term “side project” is also synonymous with “external engagement,” “freelance engagement,” or “supplemental engagement.” In the event that you’re working for several clients or companies, make sure to list each project under a specific category or company.

Having side projects on your resume can demonstrate your interests, as well as your passion for a particular field. For example, you may have been working on a side project during your free time and enjoyed it so much that you decided to make it a full-fledged business. In addition to demonstrating your enthusiasm for your field, side projects also allow you to explore new technologies and increase your creativity. These projects are also an excellent way to establish your personal brand and show what you can do.

Employer Benefits

A resume is the calling card of the job-seeker. It conveys an overview of experience and skills, but it also provides an opportunity to highlight personal characteristics and personality. In this way, it will help employers gain a better understanding of you. Here are some tips for writing a good resume. Make it relevant to the job. Include relevant accomplishments and skills in your resume. Employers will appreciate your professionalism and enthusiasm.

A good resume will match keywords from the job description to the skills you offer. For instance, if the job description calls for a software developer, it’s a good idea to include the keyword “JSON” in your resume. This is because most employers use keywords to filter resumes. Indeed, some companies even auto-sort resumes based on keywords. So, a good resume matches keywords with the job description and aims to gain the employer’s attention.

How to improve your resume ready to apply for a leadership role in business

No matter your employment status, it is highly likely that you have already got a resume saved to your computer that you can easily access at any time. It might be the resume that got you your current job, one you have been sending out looking for a better role or even one that you are currently using to get your first step up onto the career ladder. No matter how successful the resume has been in the past, it is important that you adapt it to every single job you apply for. Even if the job requirements seem very similar to one you have applied for before, every employer is looking for someone slightly different with a slightly different set of skills. This is especially the case if you are applying for a leadership role within a business. Here is a look at some of the ways you can prepare your resume ready to apply 

Further your education

You might think once you have completed college or even high school that your education is over. That does not have to be the case. There are lots of courses, such as a masters in leadership online course that you can complete at any time in your career. The great thing about these courses is that you can complete them alongside your current job. Unlike when you were younger, you do not have to move to a campus or attend several different lessons every day of the week to complete a masters in leadership online. All you need is a laptop and access to the internet, and you can complete all of the course’s content online. You can also choose exactly when and how you complete all of the course material. For example, if your job keeps you busy in the mornings, you do not have to be worried about making it to a 9am lecture every week. You could choose what time you put aside to complete your masters in leadership online, whether that be very early in the morning, in the evenings once you get home from work or even on the weekends if you would rather. 

You might think that this is a lot of effort to go to for what will ultimately be a couple of lines on your resume. What is important to remember, is when it comes to a resume it is not quantity but quality. Not only does a degree like a masters in leadership online course show that you have developed your leadership skills, it also shows you have gone above and beyond to better yourself. Employers are always looking for people who are motivated to improve their own skills to help improve the business, so a masters in leadership online course would be one of the best ways of demonstrating this much sought after personality trait. As it is an online course, it also means it will cause less disruption to your life. Many masters in leadership online courses can be completed within a year, meaning you can learn everything you need to know about leadership within a very short amount of time. The sooner you complete the course, the sooner you can enjoy the benefits of this new skillset. 

List your skills and talk about their relevance to the job you are applying for

One of the main things you will want to include on any resume are the skills that make you stand out from the rest. Whilst you might think it is as simple as listing what you are good at, it is important to also explain why these skills would make you the ideal candidate for this job. Look at the requirements for each job advert and try and match them to the skills that you list on your resume. For example, if a job requires someone to be experienced with a particular piece of software, it is not good enough to put down that you are confident using computers. You should talk about which software you have experience using. There is a big difference in being confident in using a word processor and an excel spreadsheet. As well as just saying you are confident, talk about some of the things you are skilled at completing with that software. For example, you could say that you are skilled at producing reliable formulas to accurately calculate the businesses finances and give the most insightful look into the day to the profitability of the company.

It is also not enough to simply say you are good at something. If getting a job was that easy, then we would all be applying for the best paid jobs in the country. You also need to be able to prove that you are as good as you say you are. You need to be able to prove skills that you have learnt, whether that is on the job or a masters in leadership online A lot of the times employers will test your abilities with pre-interview assignments or even examinations during the interview process. Before you get to that point, it is still a good idea that you give the employer a reason to be confident that you truly understand how to do the things you say you are skilled at. Failure to do so could see you eliminated from the job application process before you even get to the interview stage and are able to demonstrate your practical skills as part of an examination or an assignment. Try and think of real-life examples where you have used those skills to help your previous business. For example, you could say that you are skilled in producing effective social media and designed a campaign for your previous business that significantly increased your follower numbers and in turn visitors to the website. Being able to explain exactly how good you are at these skills, and how beneficial this skillset will be to a business, will put you in the best possible chance of securing that position. 

Talk about the responsibilities you had at each job

As well as somebody that is skilled, any group of people looking at your resume and considering whether to invite you to an interview will also be looking for someone that they can trust. It is all well and good being fully trained to do the job, whether that is through experience or through completing a masters in leadership online, but you also need to put the effort in. If you are lazy, late and simply disobedient, an employer could end up hiring someone that does not get the work completed on time or to a high standard. It is often difficult to persuade somebody that you have just met that they can trust you. It is even more difficult to persuade someone you have never met with just a few sides of paper.

One of the best ways to convince an interview panel that they can trust you is to try and explain exactly how much trust you gained from your previous or your current employer. For example, if you were given any extra responsibilities over your colleagues, list those on your job application. This could be anything from being responsible for running the businesses social media pages, running promotional campaigns or something as simple as making sure the business does not run out of supplies. You might think that being in charge of something as simple as checking the level of pens and printer toner you have in the office and reordering them when necessary might be a minor responsibility. The reality is that anybody who has ever worked in an office knows exactly how important these small things can be to the day to day running of any business. The sheer fact that an employer chose you over any of your colleagues to complete this task shows that they had a lot more trust in you to make sure the job gets completed correctly. 

Format your layout to show off your technical skills

When looking through applications for a new job, an employer will probably look through lots of different documents at the same time. It is highly likely that around 90 percent of these resumes will look exactly the same. They will be printed in the same fonts, with the same text positioned in the same way. That is why it is not only just important to make sure the text you include in your resume helps you stand out from the rest of the candidates. It is also important that the overall design is impressive, so it helps you stand out from the rest of the crowd when they first glance at your resume. If they are impressed with their first glance at the resume, they are more likely to want to spend more time reading your resume to learn about the person who put together this impressive design. 

Resume design does not only help you stand out from the crowd. It also helps demonstrate how skilful you are at using certain types of software. For example, if a job requires someone to have a good understanding of using Word, try and use as many of the features within the software that are appropriate for a resume. This could include anything from splitting the page into two or even three columns to make the use of any wasted white space on the page, to including formatted headings to each section. If you are applying for a job where design skills are especially important, like a graphic designer or another equally creative role, it is just as important to design a CV that shows of your skills. If this is the case, try and think outside the box. Instead of writing a simple word document, why not create an infographic or a short video on the software they would expect you to be able to use to impress your potential new bosses. 

Do not forget the most simple pieces of information

When you are thinking of all the creative ways you can impress your potential new boss, it can often be easy to forget the simple things. When it comes to a resume, there are certain things that probably will not persuade an employer to give you a job but are vital for them to have as part of the job process. For example, if you forget to include contact details like your phone number or your email address, they simply will not have any way of being able to invite you to the next stage of the interview process. Whilst they might be able to go back through previous correspondence you have had with them to try and find a way of getting in touch with you, the fact that they would have to go to the effort to rectify one of your mistakes is not a good first impression to make with a new employer. Instead, make sure all of this important information is clearly displayed at the top of the resume. If you have completed any additional education, like a masters in leadership online, make sure you include the institution you studied at and when you completed the course.

If there are certain skills that are vital to the role, it is also important that you demonstrate you have those skills or qualifications on your resume. If a job advert says the role requires someone with a clean driving license, do not just presume that they will know that you have one. Make sure you explicitly say that you do within the resume. An interview panel will not want to waste time meeting with someone who simply is not qualified enough to be able to carry out a job, so are highly likely to choose to not offer you an interview if they are concerned that you do not have an important skill or qualification.  

Check, check and check again 

Once you have completed your job resume, it is important to check that every single word in that document is correct. First, check that it all reads correctly, makes sense and none of your sentence structures sound too clunky. Check that you have spelt every word correctly, especially certain technical terms or brands that your software spellchecker might not pick up on. Then check all of the information is factually correct. Double check things like your phone number and your email address, as if you get these incorrect you might simply not receive any invitation to the next stage of the interview process.

How to Get a Job in Education: 5 Steps to Success

Education remains one of the industries with the highest employment rates. Since the dawn of formal education, the demand for teachers and teaching professionals to tutor students has remained constant or steadily increased, especially in major cities where significant population growth has occurred.

Due to the need for education, the industry has continued to attract many looking to make a career as teachers, administrators, professors, etc. What is so amazing about the industry is that there isn’t only one type of job but several. And the industry also has significant absorption capacity. For instance, in 2019, the education and health industry employed about 35.89 million people, with education jobs accounting for half of the figure. This statistic makes it one of the highest employing industries in the US.

Getting a Job in Education 

If you are looking for employment in the education industry, there are certain steps you should take to improve your chances of getting the job of your choice. Below, we review some of the crucial steps to brighten your chances.

#1. Decide on the kind of job you want 

The road towards a successful and fulfilling career in the education industry has many paths. Not everyone who works in the industry is a teacher. Although teachers represent a significant percentage of the industry, many other jobs and professionals also play key roles in shaping young minds. Some professions that come to mind include: 

  • Administrators 
  • Counselors
  • Security consultants
  • Sport coaches
  • Transport and logistics 

The list is endless, and so are the available jobs. With the rise in IT and E-Learning, there is an increased demand for IT professionals in the classroom. So before taking active steps towards building a career path in education, you first need to decide the job you desire if you haven’t already done so. This decision is important and will influence every other decision you will make moving forward.

#2 Choose the right Institution of Learning 

Before you start a career in education, you also must have the right qualifications. Earning a formal degree from a college is essential, especially if you want to be a teacher. So take your time to find the right college. Colleges that are solely devoted to education are always a good option. There are schools in Michigan, California, New York, and many other states that offer education degrees.

Before you pick a school, do your research to find out just how good the school is. Review their programs, ask former students questions about the school, and look out for their work experience opportunities.

#3 Gain valuable experience

The need for experience can not be overemphasized. One of the key elements to getting hired in education is to gain experience. Many schools and academic institutions only employ professionals who have some degree of expertise in their chosen fields. They do this because, in the field, there is little or no room for errors. Secondly, they frown at the idea of spending valuable time and resources on training recruits.

The next question that may come to your mind is, how can you possibly get experience for a job you’ve not even landed? Fortunately for you, there are thousands of internship and volunteer programs readily available to fresh college graduates looking to gain on-the-job experience. Even before graduation, you can work as a supplemental instructor, tutor, or substitute teacher. The more you engage yourself in the art, the more experienced you will become.

#4 Create a professional resume and cover letter

You may have graduated from college with good grades, and you might be the smartest person in the room, but you still have to prove to your potential employer that you are as qualified as your certificates suggest. This means putting together a quality resume and cover letter that showcases your skills and professional abilities in the best possible light.

Your cover letter should not duplicate your resume. This document is ideal for describing the reasons for choosing a profession, the strengths that will help you succeed in the desired position, and the motivation to join a particular educational institution. If you want to understand what an effective self-presentation looks like, check the substitute teacher cover letter example at www.getcoverletter.com.

A resume is an essential document, and part of the employment process you should never take for granted. If you want to get hired as quickly as possible, you need to make sure that your resume has the following essential qualities:

  • Professional
  • Contain your academic qualifications
  • Personal qualities and skills
  • Work history

Let us review these critical qualities in detail.

Professional outlook

Resumes are impressionist documents. They create the first impression of you in the employer’s mind, and as you already know, first impressions matter a lot. Your resume should contain bullet points because they are much easier to read and digest. The way you arrange dates also matters. Typically, chronological order is best to present a clear understanding of progress and emphasize the most relevant information. 

As for your cover letter, it should not duplicate what is in the resume. It is an opportunity to share information that didn’t fit in the resume to add to your candidacy. 

Both documents should be error-free if you want to impress your potential employer.

Academic Qualifications 

Your resume should contain your academic qualifications. Note the certificates and degrees you’ve earned and the institutions that issued them. The year you graduated from each of these institutions should also be included. It also pays to include your cumulative GPA and any relevant coursework you completed during your time in school.

Personal Skills and Qualities

Your academic qualifications are not the only thing employers are interested in. They also care about your interests, skills, and personal views. They do this because they understand that behind the profession is a human being with fears, hopes, interests, and dreams. Your resume should highlight your skills and hobbies using bulleted points. 

Work History

Where have you worked previously, and what were your duties in that capacity? Good resumes have previous jobs listed in chronological order, and they sell your application even before you open your mouth. Providing a detailed list of your work history will explain to the employers what qualities you will bring to bear on the job should it be given to you.

#5 Use References 

Another way to get a job in the education industry is to make use of references. Start contacting people you know with clout within the industry even before you finish school. Contact instructors, mentors, school mates, and people within your social circle. If you are volunteering at a school, inform them of your graduation date and let them know that you are going to be free to get permanently employed. Networking increases the chances of being shortlisted for an interview. And the more interviews you attend, the brighter your chances of getting hired in the end.


The education industry is one of the highest employers of labor. As teaching and training dynamics have evolved, the demand for more trainers, teachers, and instructors has steadily increased. This phenomenon has also opened up more vacancies in the industry with the rise of e-learning. The opportunities and positions available to new prospects and applicants are numerous and far-reaching. We hope that with the five steps highlighted in this article, your path to building a successful education career has only gotten brighter and better.

When is the Right Time to Update Your Education?

For some people, the right college education can last a lifetime. A degree in something like art, or literature can go a long way, particularly if you find yourself getting a career in your chosen niche. However, as the world continues to evolve and new jobs appear on the market, you may eventually find that your degree is a little outdated, or irrelevant. If you’ve been wondering whether it’s the right time to update both your skillset and your resume, then you’ve come to the right place. Here, we’re going to look at the things that you need to think about when deciding when to update your schooling. 

When You Can Afford the Extra Tuition

Education is an important part of getting to wherever you want to be in life. Unfortunately, it can also be quite expensive to earn a degree in your chosen field. Depending on how much of an update you need to invest in, you might need to apply for loans and grants all over again. If you’re concerned about the costs of going back to school, make sure you do some budgeting first. Start by seeing whether you can refinance your student loans from the last time you went to college. This will save you some much-needed cash off your monthly bills. After you’re done with that, look into other ways that you might be able to cut back in your budget. For instance, can you move to a smaller house, or drive a smaller, more efficient car?

When You’re Missing Out on Opportunities

Sometimes, you might feel as though you have the same skills as everyone else on your team, but you’re missing out on opportunities and promotions just because you don’t have the right words on your resume. If a lot of things in your industry have changed since you got your first degree, now is the perfect time to think about whether you can boost your chances of success with an update. Renewing your degree or accessing some extra training on the side could be all you need to do to grab the attention of your boss, and any future employers too. If you think that you’re getting overlooked because you just don’t have the right credentials anymore, think about how you can make your resume more impressive

When You’re Getting Lost

Finally, a big indicator that you may need to update your degree, is that you just don’t feel confident in your career anymore. Perhaps your team have started to use some new processes or strategies that are familiar for younger employees – but completely alien to you. In some cases, you’ll be able to catch up by signing up for a mentor program or taking some other training sessions. However, if you feel like the world is moving on without you, then you might feel more comfortable if you devote yourself to some extra education instead. Going back to school might be a time-consuming process, but it’s also a way to refine your skills and help you to regain any of the confidence that you’re missing.

8 Tips to Secure Admission to a Great Grad School

Aside from getting high grades in college and scoring well on the GRE, there are more things to consider when applying for graduate school. Fortunately, you can already start preparing even if you are still taking undergraduate studies. This is a great way to utilize your strengths and improve your weaknesses as early as possible to build a competitive profile. Take advantage of different opportunities that can help influence your application for grad school.

Regardless of the path you want to pursue, don’t forget to make the most of your college courses. This will not only help boost your skills and confidence but could also lead you to your dream school. As you learn and experience new things during your undergraduate journey, you also prepare yourself for your next journey. It is best to get a good score in GRE with minimal effort with professional prep materials and invest the rest of your time in making the overall application stronger.  So, here are some tips to help you secure admission to the best grad schools:

1)      Analyze your options

First things first, ask yourself if you want to go to graduate school. Take time to analyze your academic and career goals in attending grad school. After all, dedicating at least two more years to doing homework, reports, research, and more is not a joke. On top of that, enrolling in grad school means spending thousands of dollars on top of whatever loans you may already have out. Remember, though grad school is becoming more of the norm, there are many valid reasons why you may not be ready for it at this time.

Once you’ve thought through your goals and have decided to pursue a graduate degree, you can start preparing yourself right away. Of course, your preparation starts with your chosen field and the goals you set for yourself. Your choice of degree may stem from an area where you’re competent or even passionate. A degree that combines both would lead to the most satisfying results throughout the years.

2)      Join different clubs or organizations

One of the best ways to discover new skills and indulge in your interest is to join different clubs or organizations. You can even meet new people outside your usual circle of friends, classmates, and department. Joining professional clubs and social clubs can help you determine the depth of your interests. Your performance can also show how much you want to be part of a community in your school.

Taking leadership roles can help you build your leadership skills and be more responsible. Many admission officers prefer applicants who show commitment and determination to grow as leaders while they mature. With this in mind, it’s better to stay dedicated to clubs for more than a single semester. As much as possible, participate in activities starting when you’re freshman until you’re a senior.


3)      Enhance your presentation skills

Whatever your line of profession, working on your verbal skills is very important. If you are a timid person, you can start by practicing your verbal and presentation skills. This can make your regular classwork become practice for the bigger target audience you have in mind for grad school.

Grab the opportunities to give a speech to your entire department or even the student body. The more experience you gain, the more you get used to it and boost your confidence. Over time, talking in front of people, regardless of how large the group, will be easier. This way, presenting everything you need for an admissions interview won’t be a problem as long as you’re well-prepared and confident.

4)      Enter contests

Believe it or not, entering academic contests can also help boost your application for grad school. Of course, contests related to sports could make your profile interesting but let’s focus on the academic accomplishments first. For instance, there are entrepreneurship case competitions, poetry competitions, and robotic competitions. If you’re lucky to spot one that you have some skill in, you can also enter scholarship competitions to help support your grad school.

5)      Volunteer for community projects

Being a volunteer can help you engage yourself in new environments where you can also meet different people. You can be a volunteer worker in social groups where you can teach kids. At the same time, you can learn about other people’s lives and experiences as you join in more projects. Aside from gaining precious experience, the project could also become eye-opening as you know yourself more.

Moreover, the more time and effort you invest in these kinds of projects, the more recognition you can get. Depending on your performance, your academic project could even lead to a publication. Who knows, the faculty or head of the project could even write you a recommendation when the time comes.

6)      Get an internship or part-time job experience

Aside from the mentioned points, your job experience is one of the things that leaves a huge impact on grad schools. If you are planning to apply to a business school, a part-time job or an internship can help you gain more experience. Regardless of how long your time is in the workplace, your work experience can help you build your profile and increase your chance of being admitted to a great grad school.

Of course, you also have to work hard and impress your boss if you want to build bridges. You have to show them how motivated you are to learn new things and improve yourself on your chosen path. Eventually, internships could also help you land a full-time job after you graduate from college. Though working full time can take you longer to finish your master’s degree, it may be worth it if the job is in your field. If you still have student loans and rent to pay, you may have to work while studying to accomplish your goal.

7)      Create an impressive resume and LinkedIn profile

The resume is one of the most vital elements that Admission Officers always review when accepting applicants. It provides a quick overview of your personal, academic, and professional experience so be sure to include everything in it. Add your experience, work history, and accomplishments to show how much you have grown over the years. This way, you can see how you shift from your undergraduate part-time jobs to your professional career.

It is also best to create a LinkedIn account. Build your LinkedIn profile as early as possible and ensure that your offline network is connected to you. Double-check the details on your profile to provide concise but interesting information about your background.

8)      Build a good relationship with faculty

Most graduate programs require 2 letters of recommendation from someone who personally knows you. Starting to build a good and long-lasting academic relationship between you and your college professors is helpful. You can bond over your shared interests and work together on an academic project which you can add on your profile. If you want to apply as an undergraduate without any professional experience yet, then this will be even more important.


Securing admission to the best grad schools is easier said than done. Although some of the tips above may seem like “no-brainers”, they work as vital elements in your application. As part of your preparation, it’s good to put yourself out there and grab the opportunities that come your way. Explore your passion and know what you need. Having high grades in the GRE is not enough if you lack confidence or cannot demonstrate your commitment to academics, leadership, the community, etc.

6 Tips for Creating the Perfect Resume

Once you have graduated, you will need to focus on landing your dream job. While you may have been preparing for this career for the past four years or more, getting employers to see your true potential can sometimes be a challenge.

With these six tips, however, you will be able to build the perfect resume that will allow you to get the job you have been preparing for.

  1. Formatting is Key

While you may spend endless hours on your resume, in reality, employers will only scan it for around 25 seconds before they decide to either put it down or to read on.

This means that it is crucial for your resume to be formatted in a way that is easy to read and find important information in. If it is easy to find your accomplishments, they will actually be found within these 25 seconds, and your resume will not be cast aside with the other rejects.

Visit Copy My Resume to see examples of perfectly formatted resumes to use as a guide.

  1. State Accomplishments, Not Just Job Descriptions

Many people get into the habit of simply describing the tasks that they had to do in previous jobs rather than stating their accomplishments in those jobs.

The first problem with this is that it does not show how you excel as a worker, but it also reads more as a laundry list, and it will likely not be interesting to employers.

Instead of listing what the job was, explain the ways that you did your job and how you went above and beyond what was expected of you.

  1. Know Your Audience

While a beautifully composed resume may impress employers in jobs like editing or writing, it is not exactly necessary in other industries (like electrical engineering). In fact, a resume that would be applauded in one industry could be quickly cast away in another.

Overall, you should create your resume with the industry that you are going into in mind to ensure that your style will be received well.

  1. Put Important Information First

Along with the general formatting rules, ensure that you are also stating your strongest arguments for employment right off of the jump.

Employers are not always going to keep reading your resume just in case you may mention something great that you did for a company on page two, so do not fret about putting things in chronological order.

  1. Know Your Career’s Keywords

When employers are searching through resumes, they often have words in mind that they are looking for in particular.

Whether this be a certain level of college education, certain skill buzzwords or specific experience, identify popular keywords in your industry’s resumes and include them in your own.

  1. Use a Basic Font

A lot of the common templates for resumes have fonts that are usually meant to help you stand out in a stack of other applications, but often end up putting off employers when they read them.

It is a lot easier for employers to read a basic black font than colorful and different styles that often end up looking less professional.

All in all, resume building comes down to your ability to create a resume that accurately and effectively showcase your abilities and accomplishments. Most importantly, your resume needs to stand out to employers and keep their attention.

With hundreds of applications to look through, you need your resume to be the one that sticks out to the employers, so follow these six tips to creating the perfect resume, and you will get more interviews than ever.

Write the best resume with these five tips

Be careful at how you format your resume

It doesn’t matter how well written it’s your resume; chances are it won’t be picked up from the very start to be read. As an unwritten rule, the resume is scanned for about 25 seconds. And the whole scanning process can get more difficult if it’s not organized, appropriately formatted. It shouldn’t exceed two pages. So to be sure that you chose the right format, use wide margins, a clean type and clear headings. Use the bold and italic format to show the reader the most important things from your resume and don’t forget about bullets (you need to tell the reader about your accomplishments, right?)

Talk about your accomplishments, don’t describe a job

To hire managers, it’s not an easy job, especially if we’re talking about fields such as engineering – they need to be able to solve a problem quickly. To make them hire you, you need to tell them about your achievements, how you solve similar problems from other companies and how you manage stressful situations. Resume Writing Service Toronto is here to help in case you find this overwhelming.

To do this, you should mainly focus on what you did on the job and not just describe your job post. You can include two lines of your job description (try to avoid general description, however), but that’s it – it’s time to talk about your achievements. For every one of it ask yourself what’s the benefit of this thing.

Number your accomplishments

If you’re asking yourself what’s the most common resume mistake, the answer would be that there are too many general claims or too many industry jargons and these usually do not market the candidate. Your resume should sell your skills not just show them on a piece of paper. To do this, talk about the achievements that show your marketability. If your marketability makes its presence felt, you’re giving the reader a good idea about you. Ask yourself what would’ve happened if you had not done that one thing that changed it all.

Write a career summary instead of a detailed objective

By writing a career summary, you give a brief explanation of who you are and what’s your occupation. Everyone makes an aim that sounds like “I’m looking for challenge” or “I want this position because I can use my skills.” Keep in mind that you have about 25 seconds of making a good first impression, so don’t blow it. Make your summary interesting and original – make them understand why you’re a solution to their problems.

Make your resume for your industry

The engineering field is different. You don’t have to advertise and design that much for this, as employers won’t be impressed. Just be yourself and show that on the resume. Make it without errors, make sure it’s grammatically correct and clean. Even the type of paper can make an impression.