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Issue Title
Vol 10, No 13 (2019) The Influence of Learning Strategies on the Mathematics Achievement of Students as It Relates to School Factors Abstract   PDF
Judith Hannah
Vol 10, No 22 (2019) The Influence of University Entrance Examination Results, Gender and Field of Study on Semester Cumulative Grade-point Averages (CGPAs) of First Year Students: The Case of Raya University Abstract   PDF
Mengesha Nigus
Vol 10, No 23 (2019) The Influence of Mentoring on Teacher Effectiveness in Teaching in Government -Aided Secondary Schools in the Acholi Sub-Region Abstract   PDF
John Bismarck Okumu, Victoria Tamale Kaggwa, Scott Wycliffe Wafula
Vol 10, No 24 (2019) The Influence of Socio-Economic Inequality on Educational Outcome: A Comparison of Turkana County and Kiambu County- Kenya Abstract   PDF
Samuel Ronguno, Paul Ejore
Vol 10, No 25 (2019) The Influence of University Entrance Examination Results, Gender and Field of Study on Semester Cumulative Grade-point Averages (CGPAs) of First Year Students: The Case of Raya University Abstract   PDF
Mengesha Nigus Birhanu
Vol 10, No 33 (2019) The Influence of Teachers’ Education Qualifications on Teacher Attrition in Public Secondary Schools of Kilimanjaro and Manyara Regions, Tanzania Abstract   PDF
Rashid A. Chikoyo, Gabriel K. Nzalayaimisi, Godfrey G. Telli
Vol 11, No 9 (2020) The Influence of Introductory Accounting Course Content on Students Choice of Accounting Major in Kenyan Universities Abstract   PDF
Grace Akinyi Musa
Vol 11, No 11 (2020) The Influence of Family Based Determinants on Implementation of Re-Admission Policy of Girls After Teenage Pregnancy in Public Secondary Schools in Kitui County Abstract   PDF
Elizabeth Kalee Musili, Jonathan Muema Mwania, David Musyoki Mulwa
Vol 11, No 12 (2020) The Influence of Khat Market on Attainment of Primary Education in Mogadishu, Somalia Abstract   PDF
Bashir Ahmed Abshir
Vol 11, No 27 (2020) The Influence of Realistic Mathematical Approach on Creative Thinking Ability and Mathematical Problem Solving Students in Class VIII Abstract   PDF
Abdul Halim, Asmin ., Faiz Ahyaningsih, Adek Safitri
Vol 11, No 36 (2020) The Influence of Social Media on Arabic Writing Skills among Jordanian 10th Graders' Abstract   PDF
Al. Fayyoumi, Khalil A. Rahman. M., Al. Fayyoumi, Moaweyah, Khalil. A. Rahma
Vol 12, No 5 (2021) The Influence of Technology and Innovation in Online Teaching Arabic as a Second Language in Dubai Abstract   PDF
Mohamed Moghazy
Vol 12, No 33 (2021) The Influence of Performance Feedback Practices on Implementation of Teachers’ Performance Appraisal in Public Secondary Schools in Makueni Sub- County, Kenya Abstract   PDF
Caren Mwikali Makumi, Janet Kavula Mulwa, Jonathan Muema Mwania
Vol 6, No 18 (2015) The Initial Conceptions for Earthquakes Phenomenon for Moroccan Students of the First Year Secondary College Abstract   PDF
Aatika Eddif, Rachid Touir, Hassan Majdoubi, Hayat Larhzil, Brahim Mousaoui, Mhamed Ahmamou
Vol 6, No 33 (2015) The Insertion of Local Wisdom into Instructional Materials of Bahasa Indonesia for 10th Grade Students in Senior High School Abstract   PDF
Purwati Anggraini, Tuti Kusniarti
Vol 9, No 7 (2018) The Instructional Decisions of Teachers in Inclusive Education: From a Curriculum Stand point Abstract   PDF
Vol 3, No 9 (2012) The Interplay between Politics and Education in Nigeria: Any Symbiotic Relationship? Abstract   PDF
Kayode Olu Ijaduola, K. Oluwafemi Odunaike, Victor Babatunde Ajayi
Vol 3, No 13 (2012) The interplay between literacy skills, literacy use and the personal lives: An assessment of women of rural Dagbon Abstract   PDF
Judith A.K. Bawa, Gordon Nii-Nai Marley
Vol 4, No 26 (2013) The Interlanguage of Indonesian Young Learner of English: A Case Study on an Indonesian Bilingual School Kindergarten Student’s English Speaking Acquisition Abstract   PDF
Djoko Sutopo
Vol 5, No 20 (2014) The Internal and External Problems, Which Private Schools in Jordan Face Abstract   PDF
Yousra. Al Ali
Vol 5, No 24 (2014) The Internal Factor of Satisfaction among Teachers at State Junior High Schools in Indonesia Abstract   PDF
Akhsanul In’am
Vol 8, No 23 (2017) The Integration of Basic Concepts of Andragogy and Penology for the Improvement of Deradicalization Program in Order to Prevent the Indonesian Terrorist Recidivism Abstract   PDF
Wiwik Utami
Vol 8, No 31 (2017) The Interplay of TVET and Formal Education Abstract   PDF
Prem Prasad Sigdel
Vol 10, No 22 (2019) The Integration of the Word Processor into a Process Writing Lesson Abstract   PDF
Nikolaos Papadopoulos
Vol 11, No 14 (2020) The Interface Between Participatory Local Social Development (PLSD) and Andragogy in Improved Opportunities and Obstacles to Development (O &OD) System in Tanzania Abstract   PDF
Hagai Joseph Mwakisisya
6601 - 6625 of 7426 Items << < 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 > >> 

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