Can You Get a Business Degree in 2 Years?

Earning your business degree can put you on the path toward becoming a manager or running your own company. You may not be interested in an undergraduate degree, but you still want to further your education by attending college and earning at least an associate’s degree. There are some cases in which you can earn a bachelor’s in business in two years, but this would require transferring credits from a previously earned degree into a new program. For people with no past experience, two years of study will allow you to earn an associate’s in business administration or applied business.

How Much Does an Associate’s in Business Cost?

Tuition varies from state to state and college to college, but you’ll find that two-year degree programs are more affordable in terms of both cost and time. This makes them appealing for someone who wants to advance their education without going into serious debt or losing years to rigorous study. An associate’s typically costs half the price of a bachelor’s, so anticipate a total cost of approximately $8,000 to $20,000. There are options for paying for your degree that make it a manageable expense. You can use a student loan payoff calculator to compare private student loan rates and see how much you’d have to pay per month with each before making any final decisions.

Applied Business Associate’s Degree

An AAB degree allows you to choose from a variety of different disciplines to align your education with your career goals. Some of the most common specializations are human relations, financial management, marketing and accounting. You could also pursue an AAB with a focus in paralegal studies if you’re interested in working in law. The benefit of an AAB is that it qualifies you for entry-level work upon graduation and can easily be transferred into a bachelor’s program if you want to earn a four-year degree later.

Associate’s in Business Administration

If you’re more interested in business principles and management skills, then an associate’s degree in business administration could be a good fit for your career path. An ABA introduces students to the fundamentals of business with a strong emphasis on project management and communication skills. Just like an AAB, ABA degrees can be used as a stepping stone toward undergraduate programs either immediately upon graduation or after you’ve begun working.

Why Earn an Associate’s Degree?

The purpose of associate’s degrees is to build hirable skills in a short period of time, making you a worthy candidate for a number of positions or providing you with the knowledge you need to confidently pursue your professional goals. You are able to secure a job in a field you enjoy while earning a salary that allows you to provide for your family and gain financial stability. In today’s highly competitive job market, you need every credential possible to stand out. Earning a two-year degree shows future employers that you’re dedicated to the field and have taken the time necessary to develop the skills it takes to succeed.