All the languages have certain words or phrases of literary analysis that can raise the level of your writing. Once you are well acquainted with these literary terms alike WriteMyEssayOnline writers your writing becomes better and easier.


Literary terms about comparisons:

1] Allegory- An allegory is used when the author uses the character or events to represent larger and more abstract ideas. Allegory is used to teach a lesson of some type.


2] Analogy- An analogy is used to compare two dissimilar objects or ideas in order to help the reader or the character from the story to get well versed with the main meaning or the idea being described.


3] Simile- A simile compares objects, people , characteristics or events with the help of words such as “like” or as”. Rather than striking a direct comparison an indirect comparison is made.


4] Metaphor- A metaphor is a analogy when things are compared directly to something else. A simile compares an object as or like something else whereas metaphor compares saying it like something else.


5] Symbolism- Symbolism refers to the situation when the author compares a value or idea to an object that is apart from its literal value or use.


Literary terms about specific words:

6] Alliteration- Alliteration is a fun literary term that is used to depict situation where the groups of words have the same beginning sound and that is usually consonants. Alliteration gain more focus in the poetry but they also have place in the novels.


Literary terms about the classics:

7] Allusion- Allusion in literature is a specific reference to a different conversation, person or event. Literary allusion is a situation when the author refers to a mythology, other literature or any historical event with which the author is familiar to understand the allusion.


8] Archetype- Archetypes are themes, characters or situations that the authors use throughout the history of story. These are words that are of universal facts about the human tendency.


Literary terms about the overall story:

9] Conflict- It is term that makes the novel or the story very interesting. A story has many conflicts they may either be internal or external.An external conflict is the struggle of the character with the forces that are outside. Whereas internal conflicts are the conflict between the characters two internal forces.


10] Foreshadowing- This refers to the hints when the author paves way to tell about major events or plots that are bound to occur later in the story.


11] Theme- Theme is the central idea or the underlying message of the novel, play or the poem. It is the writers reaction to the topic and not the topic.


12] Tone- The tone can be defined as the authors way to use specific words or phrases to express his attitude in regards to a subject or the audience.


Literary terms involving non- comparative descriptions:


13] Hyperbole- It is an exaggeration to either present humor or emphasize a matter.


14] Imagery- Imagery is use of descriptive language that helps the readers to imagine the scene in their mind.


15] Personification- Personification is giving a human characteristics to a non- human thing.