Safety Instructions You Need to Follow to Install And Operate Linear Actuators

Linear actuators are everywhere, from household items to big machines. One of the main reasons why they have become so famous is their affordability and ease to use.

According to experts at Powerjackmotion, linear actuators are very easy to install and care for. However, things can also go ugly if you neglect to follow safety steps.

Installing linear actuators or operating them is not child’s play. It requires prior knowledge and as a lack of knowledge can cause problems not just to the machine, but to people around as well.

Therefore, it is essential to carry out a safe installation and know how to use a linear actuator.

Here’s what you need to know:


Protective Gear If The Environment Seems Hazardous

Linear actuators are installed and used in many industries, and hence you need to take special care when installing them in an environment that poses potential risk.

Chemical factories or construction factories pose a threat to the lives of the labor. Therefore, while installing an actuator, make sure the technician is wearing protective gear.

This is important because the type of actuators used in these factories are hydraulic actuators. They run on oil pressure and can cause damage if no proper care is taking during their installation.

Make sure that the person who is operating or installing the actuator has his/her hands and face covered while doing so.


Don’t Install It If You’re Not A Pro

If the actuator you want to install is huge in size then know that it’s not a one man’s job.

You need to hire professionals to do the job for you.

It may cost you a bit but it is far better than putting the lives of people in danger.

Also, you need to talk to the manufacturer to help you with transporting the product by sealing it properly.

Poor installation can not only affect the performance of the product but also pose threat to the people working around it.


Inspect The Product First

Check for any damages on the product before you begin installation. It is common for a product to get damaged during transport, hence an inspection can be useful.

If you see any damage, no matter how minimal it may be, contact the manufacturer to have it repaired or replaced.

Don’t try to resolve the issue by yourself.


Things To Look Out For While Operating The Actuator

The next step is to operate an actuator. Again, you must do it properly so that there is no harm done to the machine or anyone around it.

Here are some tips:

  • If it’s an actuator that operates on pressure then make sure the pressure systems are properly vented before use.
  • Let the temperature of the actuator come to normal before switching off the


  • Make sure no vents are kept isolated.
  • Hire a person who knows how to operate large actuators.

Keep these tips in mind and you will have no problem in handling an actuator.