Exploring the Relationship between Spectators’ Experience with Sportscape Elements and Propensity to Re-Patronize: Evidence from Addis Ababa Stadium, Ethiopia

Temesgen Yitbarek


The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between spectators’ experience with sportscape elements and propensity to re-patronize in Addis Ababa stadium, Ethiopia. The survey instrument was administered to 150 spectators’ from all seating sections at four different games based on the sportscape model proposed by Wakefield, Blodgett and Sloan (1996) and  Theodorakis and Alexandris (2008) SPORTSERV model. Based on descriptive analysis, spectators’ appeared to have unpleasant experience with majority of the studied sportscape elements and despite the unfavorable experience; result of the regression analysis depicts none significant relationship with spectators’ propensity to re-patronize or attend future games in the stadium.

Keywords: Spectators’ Experience, Sportscape Elements, Propensity to Re-Patronize.

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