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Vol 60 (2019) Bio-prospecting of Medicinal Bio-resources from the Kenyan Biodiversity: Reflections on Governance as the Missing Link - A Review Article Abstract   PDF
Micheni Ndii Kiraithe, Muthee John K., Mathiu Peter M., Muthama Nzioka J.
Vol 38 (2017) Bio-Sexual Profile of Wives of Males with Sexual Dysfunction Abstract   PDF
Walaa.M. Abdel-Rahman, Magda.A. Fawaz, Shadia A. Hassan
Vol 6 (2014) Biosynthesis of Deuterium Labeled Phenylalanine. Facultative Methylotrophic Bacterium ?revibacterium Methylicum # 5662 with RuMP Cycle of Carbon Assimilation Abstract   PDF
Oleg Mosin, Ignat Ignatov
Vol 8 (2014) Biosynthesis of Deuterium-labeled Transmembrane Protein Bacteriorhodopsin from Halobacterium halobium Abstract   PDF
Oleg Mosin, Ignat Ignatov
Vol 56 (2018) Birth Outcomes in Mothers Presenting in First Stage Compared to Second Stage of Labour at Kakamega County General Hospital Abstract   PDF
Wilfrida Bore, Mary Kipmerewo, John Arudo
Vol 35 (2017) Birth Preparedness Among Antenatal Clients in Rurar Health Centers in Kucha Woreda, Gamo-Gofa Zone, Southern Ethiopia Abstract   PDF
Zeleke Girma Abate
Vol 26 (2016) Bovine Embryo Transfer and Its Application: Arview Abstract   PDF
Tesfaye bekele
Vol 16 (2015) Breast Cancer Incidence, Mortality and Its Risk Factors among Women Worldwide, 2015 Abstract   PDF
Eshetu Ejeta Chaka
Vol 102 (2022) Bridging the Theory-Practice Gap in Nursing Education using the Simulation-based Pedagogic Approach in Ghana Abstract   PDF
Nicholas Kuusangyele, Evans Owusu-Berning, Abigail Chinson
Vol 96 (2021) Calf Health and Management Practices in Small Holder Dairy Farms in and Around Wolaita Sodo Town, Southern Ethiopia Abstract   PDF
Tekalign Woldehana
Vol 9 (2015) Carbonaceous Fullerene Containing Mineral Shungite. Aluminosilicate Mineral Zeolite. Interaction of Water Molecules with Shungite and Zeolite Abstract   PDF
Ignat Ignatov, Oleg Mosin
Vol 72 (2020) Caregivers’ Knowledge on Routine Growth Monitoring of Children Aged 9 Months in Nyamira County, Kenya Abstract   PDF
Justus O. S. Osero
Vol 49 (2018) Caring Among Staff Nursing: Investigating the Meaning of Caring from the Perspective of Patients in Egypt Abstract   PDF
Noha Mohammed Rashed, Rasha Mohammed Nagib Ali
Vol 69 (2019) Caring Behaviors as Perceived by Emergency Nurses in Tunisia Abstract   PDF
Rihab Salhi, Hatem Shili, Chokri Hammouda, Anis Boujemaa
Vol 80 (2020) Case Report: Disorder of Sex Development 46, XY with Proximal Hypospadias in a 10-Year-Old Twin Boy: Disorder of Sex Development 46, XY with Proximal Hypospadias Abstract   PDF
Androniko Setiawan, Andrian ., Tjahjo Djojo Tanojo, Rina Yudiwati
Vol 33 (2016) Causes and Mitigation Measures for Road Traffic Accidents in Public Service Vehicles in Kenya Abstract   PDF
Billy A. Ombisa, Josphat O. Amadi, Wakhungu W. Jacob
Vol 54 (2018) Causes for Deficient Coverage of MMR Vaccine in the Balkan States and the Way Forward Abstract   PDF
Angjelka Jankulovska, Katarina Mirchovska, João M. Santos
Vol 107 (2023) CD4-T Cells as a Predictor of Immune Status and Its Outcomes Following Second-Line Combination Antiretroviral Therapy in Adult HIV-1 Infected Patients Attending Apin/Juth HIV Clinic in Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria Abstract   PDF
Galam N.Z, Yusuf A.I, Wale H.R, Tsoho F, Glory James, Lengnen Basok, Jesse Ninmol, Gomerep S.S
Vol 17 (2015) Celerity Difference in Incision Wound Healing Between Ethanol Extract of Curcuma (Curcuma Xanthorrhiza Roxb.) and Povidone Iodine in White Mice (Rattus Norvegicus) Abstract   PDF
Ardi Pramono, Rheza Tuszakka
Vol 1 (2013) Celiac Disease Initially Mis-Diagnosed as Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Case Report. Abstract   PDF
Erwa Elmakki
Vol 27 (2016) Cervical Cancer at Mbarara Regional Referral Hospital: Magnitude, Trends, Stages at Presentation, Impact of Acetic Acid Screening and the Need for Radiotherapy Services Abstract   PDF
Mayanja Ronald, Chakura Andrew, Masembe Sezalio, Kasujja John, Aheisibwe Hillary, Musa Kayondo, Kanyesigye Hamson, Wasswa Ssalongo, Peter Mukasa, Caesar Emilio Sanchez, Joseph Ngonzi
Vol 41 (2017) Changing the Landscape of Nutrition Programmes in Nigeria Using Precede-Proceed Model (PPM) and Trans-theoretical Model (TTM): A Shift to Change-Theory Approaches Abstract   PDF
David Akpan
Vol 46 (2018) Characterization of Hypervariable Region of Gyra And Gyrb Genes of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis from Jeddah, KSA Abstract   PDF
Shifa Abubaker Ali Bahaddad, Effat Abid Al-Judaibi, Asho Ali
Vol 103 (2022) Characterization and Analysis of Farming System in Horo Guduru Wollaga Zone, Oromia National Regional State, Ethiopia Abstract   PDF
Galmesa Abebe
Vol 43 (2017) Charles Bonnet Syndrome; Presenting as “Innocent Spirits Within’: A Case Report Abstract   PDF
James Ayugi, Philip Opondo, Anthony Olashore, Keneilwe Molebatsi
201 - 225 of 1338 Items << < 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 > >> 

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