Vol 17 (2015)

Table of Contents


Effect of Guided Imagey and Music (GIM) on Preoperative Anxiety of Sectio Caesaria (SC) Patient in RSUD Banyumas PDF
Ade Sutrimo 1-2
Antidiabetic Activity of Banana Peel Extract : Effect on Hyperglycemia, Hyperlipidemia and Augmented Oxidative Stress in Diabetes Mellitus PDF
Annisa Fitriani, Ratna Indriawati 3-5
Celerity Difference in Incision Wound Healing Between Ethanol Extract of Curcuma (Curcuma Xanthorrhiza Roxb.) and Povidone Iodine in White Mice (Rattus Norvegicus) PDF
Ardi Pramono, Rheza Tuszakka 6-9
Fundus Camera as a Screening for Diabetic Retinopathy in AMC Yogyakarta Indonesia PDF
Yunani Setyandriana, Nur Shani Meida, Daniswara Setiarta 10-16
The Effects of the Education about Hand hygiene on the Knowledge, Attitude and Hand Washing Compliance of the Paramedics in Nur Hidayah Hospital Yogyakarta PDF
Kusbaryanto . 17-19
The Differences between Pregnant Women with Obese and Non Obese towards Length of Labor Time in SADEWA Mother and Children Hospital, Yogyakarta PDF
Supriyatiningsih ., Husnawati . 20-25
The Relationship of Sepsis Occurrence and The Reduction of Platelet Count: A Research in PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Hospital for The Period of January to December 2010 PDF
Linda Rosita, Arifudin Cipto Husodo 26-31
Support for Increasing Intention to Exclusive Breastfeeding PDF
Septian Emma Dwi Jatmika, Muchsin Maulana 32-37
Profile of Nitric Oxide (NO) Levels in Yogyakarta Society PDF
Susilowati A, Akrom ., Darmawan E 38-42
Preliminary Study: The Benefit of BaPiA Insomnia (Anti- Insomnia Massage Kerchief) Tool PDF
Titiek Hidayati, Qurata Aini Dewi, Nadia Nur Azizah, M. Fajarulhuda, Hammami Ahmad Zaini, Muhammad Purnama Ardhi 43-45
Intestinal Parasite Infestation as Risk Factor of Malnutrition in under Five Year Children at Gamping Subdistrict of Sleman, Yogyakarta Province, Indonesia PDF
Tri Wulandari Kesetyaningsih, Bambang Edi Susyanto 46-50
Language Proficiency and Student Performa nce in English-Speaking Country Medical Schools: A Mini Review PDF
W inny Setyonugroho, Iman Permana 51-55
Patient Safety and Infection Control Assessment of the Pku Muhammadiyah Hospital Hemodialysis Center: A Basis for Nursing Care Program PDF
Fitri Arofiati 56-61
The Number of Lymphocyte and Monosit due to Hypoxic Hypoxia PDF
Ratna Indriawati 62-64
The Effect of Ethanolic Extract of Purple Yam Tuber (Dioscorea alata L.) on Bone Calcium Levels in Ovariectomized Rat PDF
Sri Tasminatun, Alfaina Wahyuni, S.N. NurulMakiyah, Zulfianisa . 65-69
Preliminary Study: The Benefit of Melody (Medical Clothes and Aid Emergency) PDF
Titiek Hidayati, Aisyah Liputa Indeka, Dede Muhammad Muafiq, Wahyu Kurniawati, M. Irham Fanani 70-72
Learning Satisfaction toward PBL (Problem-Based Learning) and the use of ICT (Information Communication Technologies) PDF
Juniar Ernawaty, Astried . 73-78
Evaluation of Urinary Catheter Installation Capability on Nurses in Order to Increase Patient Safety in Pku Bantul Hospital PDF
Bidayati ., Ekorini Listiowati, Elsye Maria Rosa 79-84
The Correlation between Candida sp. Contamination in the Bathroom Water and Candidiasis Incidence PDF
Inayati ., Affendi Purbananto 85-87
Extract Basil (Ocimum basilicum) as of Mosquito Aedes Aegypti Repellent PDF
Rahmasari Farindira V 88-91
Interprofessional Education in Teaching Hospital PDF
Moh. Afandi, RN, MAN 92-96
Impact of Interprofessional Education on Collaboration Attitudes Among The Student of Medical Faculty and Health Sciences Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta PDF
Salmah Orbayinah, Laksmi Putri Utami 97-100
Diagnostic Test of Combination of Wall Bladder Thickening Ultrasound and Lekosit Esterase on Clinical Cystitis PDF
Ana Majdawati, Inayati Habib, Suryanto . 101-106
Adherence to ARV, Clinical Stages of AIDS, and Self-Perceived Risk of HIV Infection are Predictors of Immunologic Success on PLHIV in Surabaya and Sidoarjo, East Java PDF
Wienta Diarsvitri 107-112
The Effectiveness of Peer Learning Method in Developing Logical Clinical Skills on Medical Students PDF
Amir Syafruddin, Tria Astika Endah Permatasari 113-117
Evaluation of Nurse Perception in Applying Information Systems of PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Hospital PDF
Irnawati . 118

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