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Vol 6, No 9 (2015) Analysis of Fiscal Decentralization and Public Service Delivery in Nigeria Abstract   PDF
John Bamidele OLATONA, Philip Akanni. Olomola
Vol 6, No 9 (2015) Analysis of Household Level Determinants of Food Security in Jimma Zone, Ethiopia Abstract   PDF
Mequanent Muche Esubalew Tadele
Vol 6, No 10 (2015) Analysis of Effects of Market Orientation, Good Corporate Governance, and Professional Leadership on Managerial Performance in Pt. Pupuk Kujang (Persero) Indonesia Abstract   PDF
H. Anwar Sanusi
Vol 6, No 14 (2015) Analysis the Quality of Human Resources towards the Millennium Development Goals of Riau Province In 2015 Abstract   PDF
Tri Sukirno Putro
Vol 6, No 15 (2015) Analysis of the Impact of Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies on Output among Crop Farmers in Niger State, Nigeria: Double Difference Estimator from a Regression Analysis Approach Abstract   PDF
Gomina Abel, Sheyin Emmanuel Ali, Joshua Johanna
Vol 6, No 15 (2015) Analysis of Income Diversification Strategies among Farm Households in Oyo State Abstract   PDF
Oyewole, S. O., Adepoju, S. O., Akintola, A. L.
Vol 6, No 17 (2015) Analysis of Agricultural Programmes and Poverty Alleviation in Nigeria, 1960-2012 Abstract   PDF
Vol 6, No 18 (2015) Analysis of Business Performance of Bread on "Ganep Bakery" in Surakarta, Indonesia Abstract   PDF
Nugraheni Retnaningsih
Vol 6, No 18 (2015) Analysis of the Relationship between Inflation, Economic growth and Agricultural growth in Swaziland from 1980-2013 Abstract   PDF
Z.S. Mkhatshwa, A.A. Tijani, M. B. Masuku
Vol 6, No 19 (2015) Analysis of Major Factors Affecting Production and Marketing of Korarima (Aframomum Corrorima (Braun) P.C.M. Jansen) in Ethiopia Abstract   PDF
Fissiha Gebreyesus Gebreazgaabher, Zemed Mizan Negash
Vol 6, No 21 (2015) Analysis of the Impact of Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies on Output among Crop Farmers in Niger State, Nigeria: Double Difference Estimator from a Regression Analysis Approach Abstract   PDF
Gomina Abel, Nwachukwu Williams, Joshua Yohanna
Vol 7, No 3 (2016) Analysis of Household Food Insecurity and its Covariates in Girar Jarso Woreda, Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia Abstract   PDF
Hana Mamo Ergando
Vol 7, No 7 (2016) Analysis Of Domestic Saving On Fastening Economic Growth In Ethiopia: Vector Error Correction Approach Abstract   PDF
Hassen Beshir
Vol 7, No 8 (2016) Analysis of Quality Control in the Informal Seed Sector: Case of Smallholder Bean Farmers in Bondo Sub-County, Kenya Abstract   PDF
Wilfred Odhiambo, Margaret Ngigi, Job Lagat, Hans Peter Binswanger, Jean Claude Rubyogo
Vol 7, No 8 (2016) Analysis of the Potential Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment: Empirical Evidence from Thailand Abstract   PDF
Aroonroch Klaisuban
Vol 7, No 8 (2016) Analysis of Distribution Pattern of Rice Commodity in East Java Abstract   PDF
Susilo .
Vol 7, No 9 (2016) Analysis and Modeling of Wastewater Reuse Externalities in African Agriculture Abstract   PDF
Ayotunde Kolawole, Iddo Kan
Vol 7, No 13 (2016) Analysis of Growth Determinants of Micro and Small Scale Enterprises in Urban Areas of West Shoa, Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia Abstract   PDF
Daniel Temesgen Gelan
Vol 7, No 13 (2016) Analysis of Growth and Trends of Periodic and Regulated Markets in Hardoi District, Uttar Pradesh Abstract   PDF
Pankaj kumar
Vol 7, No 15 (2016) Analysis of Growth Determinants of Micro and Small Scale Enterprises in Urban Areas of West Shoa, Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia Abstract   PDF
Daniel Temesgen Gelan
Vol 7, No 15 (2016) Analysis of Technical Efficiency of Coffee Production on Small Holder Farmers in Case of Sasiga & Limu Districts of East Wollega Zone Abstract   PDF
Temesgen Furi
Vol 7, No 17 (2016) Analysis of Factors Affecting the Economic Behavior of Paddy Farmer-Households in District West Seram, Maluku Province Abstract   PDF
Maryam Nurdin, Nuhfil Hanani, Suhartini .
Vol 7, No 18 (2016) Analysis of Determinants of Wage Disparity for Labor Sector in Central Sulawesi-Indonesia Abstract   PDF
Busman ., Anhulaila M. Palampanga, Moh. Ahlis Djirimu, Max Nur Alam
Vol 7, No 20 (2016) Analysis of Smallholder Sugarcane Farmers’ Livelihood Assets in Relation to Food Security in Mumias Sub- County Kenya Abstract   PDF
Lilian Kidula -Lihasi, Christopher Onyango, Washington Ochola
Vol 7, No 21 (2016) Analysis of Factors Affecting the Work Participation of Married Women According to Ethnicity in Pekanbaru Abstract   PDF
Yusni Maulida
301 - 325 of 4140 Items << < 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 > >> 

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