Recent books: Basic Woodworking Machines Text Book By Miaganu Eba Belina

This book has been written with the town and capital city of Ethiopia Technical and Vocational Colleges and Institutes for the Woodworking Machines Course in mind, which are intended to cover the second year of Woodwork Technology and Wood Science and Technology students in Technical and Vocational Colleges.

A portion from each of the practical and theory of this textbook, together with that dealing with science, combine to make an integrated section in which students from both crafts work together, after this each craft goes more deeply into its own specialty. The integrated and the individual sections have not been separated in this book because the author feels that teachers in different colleges will work out their own schemes to cover the woodworking machines course.

Some trainer may think that the practical and technology parts of the integrated section of this textbook be covered in the third year but this knowledge and skill is very important for woodworking students on the first semester of the second year because of they are expected to start practicing woodworking by using woodworking machines.  Courses with full-time students in the second year of their apprenticeship- who will be expected to sit for their woodworking machines course examination at the end of the second semester of their second year at the college- will have to cover this textbook.

The teaching of the use of woodworking machine safety and woodcutting machinery cannot be accomplished by means of books. The student has to follow all-important safety procedures by their selves, get the feel of them and have their proper use demonstrated by an expert or the technical assistance. This applies also to machinery; the woodcutting machinist must get to understand these machines thoroughly in the machine shop and handle them under expert supervision.

A book can, however, give details of woodworking safeties and machines that are not apparent in the workshop. The roles of the workshop and of the machine shop in technical colleges are proficiency in the use of the safeties and the production of work, but the technicalities should be left to the teacher in the classroom and to the author.

It is hoped that future books will cover the portable woodworking machines separately so that students and teachers in those crafts will be able to obtain information on the subject to which they have dedicated a large portion of their working life.

I have been referenced different published books and materials from different sources like books and reading materials from internet sources.