Determining Product Development and Consumer Strategies with Food Texture-Aroma Interactions

Gokce Keser, Tulay Ozcan


While the acceptance or rejection of consumers is based on a series of mental preferences, it emphasizes certain values, attitudes, expectations, and dietary preferences in the development of products. New functional components, additives that improve texture and sensory properties, and new technologies that extend shelf life also encourage new product development with impressive opportunities. However, the variety of cross modal interactions that occur between aroma, taste, and texture depending on the food matrix during food consumption makes it very complicated to explain this perception with the individual’s physiological state and habits. Individuals experience many sensations when eating or drinking, such as taste, smell, touch, warmth, vision, sound, and sometimes pain and irritation. Although this versatile sensory experience forms the basis of perceived aroma and texture, some sensations are perceived individually differently than others. Understanding the mechanisms involved in food sensory perception is the basis of consumer studies. This review explains how all these sensations interact on both perceptual and physical levels.

Keywords: Food Texture, Aroma, Product Development, Consumer Strategies

DOI: 10.7176/JSTR/6-10-04

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