Remediation Technologies for Polluted Sites: Review

Justice Agyei Ampofo


A polluted site can have serious consequences for human health, water supplies, ecosystems, and even building structures, which is why various safeguards have been put in place to address contamination issues. This systematic review will conduct a literature search on remediation technologies for polluted sites. Sources of information and search, eligibility and exclusion criteria, and a systematic searching strategy are used to retrieve articles related to remediation technologies for polluted sites. Heavy metal pollution in the soil is a worldwide problem that humanity is attempting to address. Heavy metal pollution can be found in varying degrees in the soils of all countries worldwide. Heavy metal-contaminated soil is cleaned using chemical, physical, and biological remediation technologies. Many methods have been developed over the last thirty years to remediate oil-contaminated soil. Biological techniques such as phytoremediation and land farming are used to remediate oil-contaminated soil. Groundwater poisoning by heavy metals, which can come from natural soil sources or man-made sources, is a major public health concern. Because contaminated groundwater serves as a source of drinking water for billions of people worldwide, remediation is a top priority. The best remediation technologies for containing groundwater water are pump and treatment, excavation method, permeable reactive barrier, air sparging, electrokinetic remediation, chemical oxidation, and bioremediation. The selection of remediation methods necessitates a thorough examination of technological effectiveness and economic environmental safety. Personal and trial examinations of remediation advancements continue. As a result, in future research, investigating the zero-valent iron powder restoration method in conjunction with other restoration methods to treat soil heavy metal pollution is critical to soil restoration and ecological restoration, revealing the main influencing factors of the restoration process as well as the promotion and implementation of this method.

Keywords: - Remediation, Polluted site, Technology

DOI: 10.7176/JEES/12-12-02

Publication date: December 31st 2022

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