Geospatial Management of the Solid Waste System (A Case Study of Rawalpindi City)

Sana khushi, Sajid Rashid Ahmad


Improper Solid Waste management is a global problem. Solid waste management is not just a technical issue but it also has socio-political and cultural dimensions that need solution through policies, administration, re-orientation, organizational arrangements. The important thing is that the total solid waste generated is not equal to the solid waste reached to the dumping site. This study includes the details about total quantity of solid waste produced, its collection, physical structure, and transference, treating and dumping of solid waste in Rawalpindi city. Its focuses GIS based Solid Waste Management through Collection and Routing.

The use of GIS to locate the position of waste bins is based on convenient distance to households, maximum service coverage and consideration of physical and socio-cultural context of the service area. GIS use to locate the position of waste bins is based on suitable space to households, maximum service coverage. A bin location point covers the built up areas. After the calculations of the required bins, a map is generated. Waste bins are located at the shoulders of roads after excluding unsuitable areas. Walk time service area analysis for dropping of the waste from houses is calculated. By using the network analysis service area the calculated walk time will be 3, 5 and 10 minutes. Proposed model include the arrangement of bins, routing, optimal routing. The generation of spatial data base bin locations, verify the same data using satellite information. Waste storage, width of the roads, accessibility of the space and the travel distance from the home. Dataset model analyze on the base of four layers.  These are stops, point barrier, line barrier, polygon barrier and polygon barrier. Route calculates between any two stops and give results.

The current work examined the insufficiency of existing collection bins and their service areas. 5 cubic meter bin keeps 2.5 tons waste. Every bin is placed along the main roads. Total Rawalpindi city area is 276 sq km. 46 Km area can be accessed through walk time of 3, 5 and 10 minutes which is most of the built up area. 17% area of the city can access bin by the walk time of 3, 5 and 10 minutes.  The Proposed GIS model used for routing and planning uses statistics on the shortest routes (in terms of travel time or distance) between pairs of waste containers and between waste Bins and waste dumping site.

Keywords: Waste management, Geographical information system, disposal site, open heaps.

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