English-Tigrinya Intrasentential Code-switching on Tigrinya FM Radio Programs (TFRPs)

Bahire Araya Keleta


This  study  deals  with the linguistic analysis of Tigrinya-English(Tiglish) code-switching phenomenon: the case FM  Radio Programs  broadcasting  in  and  around  Mekelle. The  rationales,  which  triggered  the  researcher  to  conduct  such  a  research,  are  the  fact that  there  are  very  few  studies  in  Ethiopia,  no  research  in  Tigray  , and  the  researcher  was  experienced  with  switched Tigrinya  in  the  Tigrinya  FM  radio  programs  (TFRPs). The study aims mainly at exploring features of intrasentential code-switching on Tigrinya FM radio services (TFRSs). To  address  the  problems  and  achieve  the  objectives, qualitative methods were employed for gathering bits of information from the selected site FM radio  listeners  in  focus. Audio recording was used as basic tools to collect genuine information, and the bits of information were collected from bilingual TFRPs clients and the newscasters.There are bulks of code-switching occurrences on TFRPs more frequently from English and Amharic constituents; Tigrean code-switchers were engaging in code-switching incidences motivated by the sociocultural attractions.

Key words: code-switching, intrasentential and Tigrinya FM Radio Program

DOI: 10.7176/JLLL/67-02

Publication date: April 30th 2020

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