A Critical Narrative Review of Public-Private Partnerships in The Health Sector in Selected Southern African Countries

Richard Mbaka, Austin Mwange


The aim of this paper is to provide a narrative literature review of Public-Private-Partnerships (PPPs) in selected Southern African countries with a particular focus on the health sector. The study reviewed that that South Africa has extensively utilised PPPs in the development of the health sector. The common areas in which other Southern African countries have been successful is in collaborating on research and development in the health sector, particularly, in HIV-AIDS programmes. In respect of health infrastructure development under PPPs, most African countries, with the exception of South Africa, have not been successful. There is need for countries to rethink on what models of PPPs can work in their respective countries if modern infrastructure in the health sector can be developed at a relatively affordable cost.

Keywords: Public-Private Partnerships, PPPs, Zambia, Southern Africa, Zimbabwe, Lesotho, South Africa, PMTCT, BOTUSA project

DOI: 10.7176/JESD/14-13-07

Publication date:August 31st 2023

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