Call for Papers Information

Types of paper

Original Research Articles: These should describe new and carefully analyzed and confirmed findings, backed with experimental procedures (introduction/study background, materials and methods, results, discussion, acknowledgments and references) Please include in the main paper a set of key words and an abstract of not more than 250 words. Research Paper should not be more than 7,000 words excluding abstract and references.

Short Research Communication: These should presents a concise study, or sometimes preliminary but innovative. A research finding that might be less substantial than a full research paper. Short Research Communication is limited to 3000 words (excluding references and abstract). The main sections need not conform to that of full-length papers. It should have a set of key words and an abstract summarizing background of the work, the results and their implications.

Review Article: this type of article typically presents summary and critical evaluation of information that has already been published, and considers the progress of current research toward clarifying a stated problem or topic. Submissions of reviews and perspectives covering topics of current interest are welcome and should be authoritative. Reviews should be concise, not exceeding 5,000 words.


Submission Procedure: Articles are submitted through the journal article submission email The article for publication in JEPER must not have been submitted for publication in any other journal. It must be original.

Date of Publishing: Accepted papers will be published by the end of every month.

Acceptance/Rejection Notification: Authors are notified of the journal decision within 12-15 days from the date of manuscript submission.

Submission deadline: Authors expecting to publish their articles in a particular month should submit their articles in such that it’ll go through reviewing processes early enough before the end of the particular month. There is no deadline for submission of articles in the Journal. Articles are welcome at anytime.

Publication Fee: If the paper is accepted for publication, author(s) will be asked to pay 100 USD as article publication fee in order to defray the operating costs. Waiver policy is not applicable. Author(s) wishing to get 1 hard copy of the article will pay additional $40 USD. One printed copy is provided against one article disregarding the number of the authors at the cost of $45 USD. Payment procedure will be notified to the author through e-mail after the successful review process.

ISSN 2408-770X (Print Version)

ISSN: 2408-6231 (Online Version)