Kumar, K N Prasanna
Vol 6 (2012) - Articles
Decohering Environment And Coupled Quantum States And Internal Resonance In Coupled Spin Systems And The Conflict Between Quantum Gate Operation And Decoupling A Cormorant-Barnacle Model
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Vol 6 (2012) - Articles
Einstein Field Equations And Heisenberg’s Principle Of Uncertainly The Consummation Of GTR And Uncertainty Principle
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Vol 6 (2012) - Articles
The Anisotropies of The Universe-Variable Speed of Light –Matter –Antimatter System: A Disjecta Membra-Eventum Tantum Model For Attribution of Matter Abundance Contrast Antimatter
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Vol 7 (2012) - Articles
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Vol 7 (2012) - Articles
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Vol 7 (2012) - Articles
The General Theory Of Einstein Field Equations, Heisenberg’s uncertainty Principle, Uncertainty Principle In Time And Energy, Schrodinger’s Equation And Planck’s Equation- A “Gesellschaft- Gemeinschaft Model”
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Vol 7 (2012) - Articles
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Vol 8 (2012) - Articles
Neti-Neti-Onomasiological Onerousness And E Pluribus Unum La Escallonia Adventitious Ad Infinitum Model
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Vol 9 (2012) - Articles
Stellar Evolution, Affective Consciousness, Conformal Superalgebras Et Al., : Ontological Univocity And Disjunctive Syllogism Models
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Vol 10 (2012) - Articles
Loop Quantum Mechanics, Noncommutative Geometry, Twistor Theory, Thom’s Catastrophe Theory, Bifurcation And Nonlinear Dynamics, The Weight of The Vacuum ,Coherent Pulsed Laser, Thermal Incoherent Source ,Localization And Entanglement
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Vol 10 (2012) - Articles
Topological Geometrodynamics, Compactifications of F-Theory and M-Theory Binary Strings, Einstein’s Mass Energy Equivalence, Higgs Boson Decay, Covariantly Constant Yang–Mills Background,et al.,: A Aedificium-Edifium Sui Generis Models
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Vol 10 (2012) - Articles
Kac-Moody Symmetry And Physical States And String Symmetries, Yang’s Mills Theory And Supergravity Subjective Referral of The Timing For A Conscious Sensory Experience., Consciousness And Bose Einstein Condensates And Other Topics: Gestalt Ostzonensuppenw
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Vol 10 (2012) - Articles
Computational Processes And Phenomenal Consciousness, Mental Presence And The Temporal Present, Presence And Reality Panpsychism, Neuronal Oscillations, Chaos, Subjective Experiences, Super Yang Mills Theory, Fermi Spaces, Complexity Et Al : An Ostzonensu
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Vol 10 (2012) - Articles
Molecular Computation of Solutions and Combinatorial Problems, Computers and Intractability, Quantum Spinning Strings ,Gauge Symmetry and Supersymmetry ,Quantum Computation, Computational Complexity ,Black Holes Without Firewalls, Et Al: A Dere De Profund
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Vol 10 (2012) - Articles
Attenuation of Mesoscopic Echoes In A Spin-Chain Channel, Anti-Zeno Polarization Control of Spin Ensembles, Quantum Information, Quantum Wells, Hadrons, Spatial Profiles of Fusion Product Flux, Proton Spin-Lattice Relaxation In A Liquid Crystal , Quantum
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Vol 10 (2012) - Articles
Quantum Computation , Neurobiology, Quantum Holography , Heisenberg Theory, String Theory, Evolution of Space-time, Mind And Complex Systems, Quantum Entanglement , Cold Atoms , Intermolecular Interactions , Hypercomputation Already Extant And Existential
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Vol 10 (2012) - Articles
Bose-Einstein Condensation, Fermi Systems , Color Superconductivity , Signatures of Klein Tunneling, Decoherence And Disorder In Quantum Walks , Quantum States, Lorentz Violation , String Theory, Ghost Condensate , Consciousness And Logic In A Quantum-Com
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Vol 12 (2013) - Articles
Black Holes By Analytic Continuation, Nongravitational Wormhole, Hawking Radiation In Bose-Einstein Condensates, Inflationary Cosmology, Quantum Friction In Superfluids, Topological Defects , Black Hole Entropy and Physics at Planckian Scales et al :Natur
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Vol 12 (2013) - Articles
Pion Condensation Vis-À-Vis Quark Matter, Quark Mass Vis-À-Vis Chiral Symmetry, Spin Ladder Vis-À-Vis Mesoscopic echoes, Spin Channels Vis-À-Vis, Quantum Channels, Dynamical Decoupling Vis-À-Vis Quantum Information, Entropic Torque Vis-À-Vis Depletion Eff
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Vol 12 (2013) - Articles
Heavy-Quark Condensate Vis-à-vis World-Line Formalism, Heisenberg Model Vis-à-vis Exchange Interactions, Bose-Einstein Condensation and Neutron Star Core, Spin Squeezing, Entanglement and Quantum Metrology with Bose–Einstein Condensates et al: Sic Parvis
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Vol 12 (2013) - Articles
Bose Einstein Condensate, Dark-Energy Stars, Proton Decay Stellar Black Holes In Close Binary Systems Et Al, A Gestalt Gotterdammerung-Glitziest Gesamtkunstwerk Models
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Vol 12 (2013) - Articles
Carbon's Hoyle State, Weinberg's Theory, Meissner's Theory, Scaling Behavior And Beyond Equilibrium, Quantum Kinetic Theory And Other Topics of Interest: A Aedificium Edificium –Adequatio Intellectus Nostri Cum Re Models
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Vol 14 (2013) - Articles
Asymmetric Collisions: Robotic Refueling, Electron, Muon, And Tau Neutrinos Et Al : A Deo Ac Veritati-Cygnus Inter Anates Models
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Vol 14 (2013) - Articles
Consciousness, Yang Mills Theory, Space–Time Covariance Functions, Quantum Chaos And Topics Of Interest; A Tapan Ta Rhei Kai Oude Mengi Models
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Vol 14 (2013) - Articles
Dyson-Schwinger Equations, Cortical Metrics of Time, Space and Quantity, Object Recognition, Cremona and Fourier Transformations, the Occurrence of Holograms in Nature and Other Topics: A Fortiori -A Pedibus Usque Ad Caput- Ab Aeterno Models
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Vol 14 (2013) - Articles
Gamma Rays, Super Yang Mills Theory, Bell’s Inequalities, Nonlinear Schrodinger Equations, Mental Spaces, Et Al.: Natura Nihil Frustra Facit- Natura Abhorret A Vacuo Models
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