Arts and Design Studies

Arts and Design Studies is a peer reviewed journal published by IISTE. The journal publishes original papers at the forefront of arts and design research. The journal is published in both printed and online versions. The online version is free access and download.

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Call for Paper Submissions & Paid Reviewers / Index

Paper Submission:
Please follow the following two files to prepare your paper, then send it to ADS@iiste.orgIndex of this journal:
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The IC Impact factor value of this journal is 5.52

The publication charge of this journal: 160 USD (online publication only) or 165 USD (online publication + 2 hard copies)
Posted: 2011-11-04
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Vol 110 (2024)

Table of Contents


Journal coverpage PDF
Journal Editor
A Critical Review of Accident and Emergency Facilities Functionality: A Case Study of Uganda’s National Referral Hospital PDF
Kenneth Ssemwogerere, Obedirwoth Ken Daniel 1-12
Creation of Dance as An Educational Tool in Gumala Kreatif Community PDF
Wahida Wahyuni, Riswani ., SyielviDwiFebrianty ., Destrinelli . 13-19
The Role of Artificial Intelligence in the Metaverse PDF
Abeer Ibrahim 20-32
Rhythmic Variation in Nigerian Popular Music: Lagbaja’s “who man” PDF
Babarinde B.J. 33-37
Innovations in the Metaverse: Merging Augmented Reality and Artificial Intelligence for Immersive User Experiences PDF
Bahaa Mustafa 38-49
The Nature of Indigenous Ghanaian Pottery and Its Moral and Religious Scope PDF
Steiner Rudolf, Essuman Betty, Vesta Adu-Gyamfi 50-56
Transformation Aesthetic Structure Pucuk Rebung Pattern from Siak Sri Indrapura Weaving 1900 and 1940 PDF
Tengku Ghassany, Acep Iwan Saidi, Yan Yan Sunarya, Dyah Gayatri Puspitasari 57-73
Evaluating Sustainable Apparel Consumption Practices: Purchasing, Maintenance, and Disposal Behaviours among Ghanaian Youth PDF
Stella Daah Siaw, Moses Opoku, Sarah Baiden, Diana Oppong 74-81

Paper submission email:

ISSN 2224-6061 (Paper) ISSN 2225-059X (Online)

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