Profit Margin of Actors Along the Poultry Value Chain in Adwa Wereda, Central Zone of Tigray, Ethiopia

Goitom G.


The objective of this study was to calculate the profit margin of actors along the poultry value chain in Adwa wereda, Central Zone of Tigray, Ethiopia. A total of 200 poultry producing sample households from four potential poultry producing Tabias of the wereda were surveyed. Moreover, margin analysis was used to calculate the marketing margin of participants and traders along the poultry value chain in the study area. The major marketing channels and main actors involving in the market were identified. Marketing channels of egg and chicken indicated a shorter path. The major market actors in the survey period were producers, collectors, wholesalers, retailers and consumers. To evaluate poultry market performance cost, profit and marketing margins were calculated for the group of market players in different channels. The producer’s share of the total consumer price and the total gross marketing margin were 100% and zero in channel I respectively.

Keywords: Value Chain Mapping, Value Addition, Profit Margin, Econometric

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