Ambiguous Policy on Securing the Vital Objects of The Indonesian Armed Forces in East Java

Muhammad Risahdi, Murtir Jaddawi, Mansyur ., Andi Henny, Lukman Yudho Prakoso, Wuri Retno Martani


The World Maritime Axis Policy President of the Republic of Indonesia, places the defense sector as one of the main pillars that must be prepared optimally to secure the territory of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. Safeguarding vital objects of the Indonesian National Army (TNI) is a priority to anticipate potential threats. The biggest strength of the Navy is at the East Java  2nd Fleet Command which is very strategic in securing Indonesia's territory, where most of its territory is sea. On this basis, researchers carry out research aimed at analyzing how the security of vital TNI objects, especially in their territorial waters at the 2nd Fleet Command Headquarters, East Java  . supporting and inhibiting factors for implementation and formulating the best policy models for securing vital objects. The research method used was descriptive qualitative with a phenomenological approach. The theory used is the theory of implementation of public policy George Edward III. The results showed that the communication variables, dispositions and bureaucratic structures were relatively well run, while the resource variables found inhibiting factors related to the budget, human resources and facilities / infrastructure. As a theoretical criticism in this study, the existence of policy ambiguity in determining the Defense Area Plan (RWP) and the Detailed Defense Area Plan (RRWP) which became the operational basis for securing vital objects, especially the TNI until this research was implemented, did not yet exist. This is due to the strong interests of stake holders related to defense, economic and environmental interests. So in conclusion this research is that the implementation of the policy of securing vital objects of the TNI cannot be realized optimally if there is still policy ambiguity. So that the recommendation of this study is that an independent institution is needed which can be a driving force of policies in the field of national vita object security.

Keywords: Vital Object, Indonesian National Armed Forces, Ambiguity

DOI: 10.7176/PPAR/10-1-08

Publication date: January 31st 2020

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