Investigations on Economic Significance of Hydatidosis on Animals Slaughtered at Hirna Municipal Abattior

Abnet Shewafera Mekonnen


Hydatidosis is a serious helminthic cyclo zoonotic disease that possesses an important economic and public health concern in rural and urban area. A study was conducted from November 2016 to April 2017 to investigate the incidence of the Hydatid cysts in bovine and goats in Hirna Municipal Abattoir by examination of all visceral organ of slaughtered cattle and goats and to estimation of direct and indirect monetary losses in abattoir. Out of 252 bovine examined 47 (18.65%) was harbor one or more Hydatid cysts and out of 132 goats examined 14 (10.6%) were harbored one or moreHydatid cysts. From the examined bovine 20(7.94%), 17(6.75%), 7(2.76%), 3 (1.19%), 4(1.59%) and 5(1.98%) containedHydatidcyst in their onlyon lungs, only on livers, only on Heart,only on kidney, both on lung and heart and both on liver and kidney of cattlerespectively.From examined goats hydatid cyst organ distribution were found 7(5.3%) merely on lung, 3(2.27%) merely on liver, 3(2.27%) merely on heart, 1(.76%) merely on kidney, 3(2.27%) on both lung and heart and 2(1.51%) on both liver and kidney. Out of 75 hydatid cysts collected from different organ of 61 heads positive animal and examined for status of fertility, sterility and calcification 15(20%) were fertile, 33(44%) sterile and 27(36%) calcified. A significant association was observed (P<0.05) between the disease positivity and age groups, body condition of both animal it’s more prevalent on adult age of both goats and cattle and high prevalenceof Hydatidosis was observed on medium body condition of both animal. The annual financial losses from organ condemnation and carcass weight loss due toHydatidosis at Hirna Municipal Abattoir were estimated to be 32,810.92 and 319,900.73Ethiopian Birr (ETB) for goats and cattle respectively.Therefore, initiation and implementation of control measures is necessary in order to alleviate its economic impact as well as zoonotic risks to the human.Control measure like educate comminutes to avoid backyard slaughter practice, regular deworming of dog and proper disposal of condemned organ were important to reduce Hydatidosis in comminutes.

Keywords: Abattoir, Bovine, Carcass, Dog, Goat, Hirna, Hydatidosis, Prevalence

DOI: 10.7176/JHMN/109-02

Publication date:June 30th 2023

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