Tanzania Secondary Schools Curriculum and the World of Work: Dodoma Municipality Students and Teachers Perceptions

Bryson D. Kinyaduka


This study was conducted to examine secondary school teacher’s and student’s perceptions on preference of curriculum and the role of the then secondary schools curriculum in the then Tanzania. The study delved in examining whether students and teachers preferred comprehensive or general education curriculum and whether the curriculum prepared the graduates for the world of work. The study used cross-sectional survey research design. Open and closed ended questionnaires were used to collect data. The study found that 100% of teacher and student respondents preferred comprehensive curriculum. Also, the then curriculum did not prepare the graduates for the world of work; it prepared them for further education. In other words, it was irrelevant as it did not respond to the social demands and the nation’s economic development.  The study recommends establishing pilot secondary schools with comprehensive curriculum in Tanzania. The study concludes that comprehensive curriculum is better for secondary schools in Tanzania.

Keywords: Tanzania, curriculum, world of work, comprehensive curriculum, general education curriculum

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