Sanggit Aesthetics: The Meeting of Modernity and Tradition in the Work Paradigm of the Art of Painting

Dharsono .


The research perspective focuses on discerning the field of traditional art development with a touch of modernity, which later is called sanggit aesthetics in the work paradigm of the art of painting to: (1) observe phenomena emerging as a work with symbolic revitalization, (2) observe phenomenon emerging as a work with symbolic reinterpretation, (3) observe phenomenon emerging as a work with symbolic abstraction and (4) observe phenomenon emerging as a work with symbolic expression. The research stages were accomplished using qualitative research model with cultural approach, referring to Javanese cultural precepts in accordance with Javanese cultural philosophies and ideologies. This approach centered on data interpretation in a case study. Reviews dealing with analysis in this study emphasized more on interaction model of qualitative data analysis, by using Javanese cultural approach. Interactive analysis was carried out to analyze qualitative, empirical data. The results of analysis were later examined using hermeneutic interpretative analysis. The existence of painting representing an expression of sanggit aesthetics is not merely a painting which utilizes wayang or puppets as the source of the idea of expression, but also an evidence of historical sustainable process. Puppets in several stages of figure transformation have opened historical pieces of the art of painting in Indonesia. Sanggit aesthetics is the meeting of modernity and tradition in the work paradigm of the art of painting, phenomenon to search for Indonesian cultural identity with Indonesian origin.

Keywords: Sanggit aesthetics, revitalization, reinterpretation, abstraction, and symbolic expression

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